Bow & Arrow

The enemy’s target

Life has a way of life’n and I certainly find myself confused of the circumstances. Why me? Why must I suffer? Am I not good enough to go through life with a smooth path. I ask of God for alignment but like the target I am the enemy surely knows how to come and intervene.

As the bow pulls the arrow back and aims at the target instantly I fall. The enemy always seem to find a way and lure me back in. His job is to make us feel defeated and steal every ounce of joy we have. I then find myself understanding that in the mist of our trials we are to focus more on the problem solver and not the problem.

So once I find myself drained of my challenges I shift my focus into “he“ who is able to pull me through. I noticed that once that arrow hits I’m scarred but in the mist God always help me to stand again, wash me clean of the dirt and restores me once again to head back on the path he has designated specifically for me.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33

Something I learned about life, it’s not what we go through but the faith we have to get through it determines how far we overcome it. I often hear the term “walk by faith, not by sight,” but what happens when what you preach becomes what you have to put into practice?

God didn’t promise me, you, or anyone else life would be perfect and smooth sailing but he did promise us eternal life. There’s also a good verse Jeremiah 29:11 where God indicates he has a plan for you, to prosper you not harm you. I meditate on those words and I myself believe whatever obstacle that is sent my way, in the end I will bloom, you will bloom, we all will succeed.

Prosper : to become strong and flourishing.

  • grow vigorously
  • be successful
  • get ahead
  • advance
  • thrive
  • make one’s mark

Have you ever thought what’s life without hard times? What’s life without redirection? I figure we need each moment to help us appreciate the good moments. Before God gives you great he will test you to see if you’re able to handle the breakthrough.

As I look back over my life I realized I needed every arrow the enemy aimed at me, I needed to fall and gain scars, I needed things to not go right when I thought they would. For whatever it is God is preparing I know with great gratitude I would live to shout my praise, I will embrace whatever it is that’s coming my way.

Never focus too much on your pain when there’s a healer.

When pipes burst we call a plumber, when cars break down we call the mechanic, when we’re sick we call on a doctor but in all things we call on God.

By Courtney Dillard

A woman fulfilling her purpose.

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